Monday, 25 February 2013

Staff - Coaches (Part 2)

This is a continuation from the last one. In this post, (fingers crossed) I will look at Goalkeeping coaches, fitness coaches and Physios.

Goalkeeping: Luckily, Arsenal already have 2 very decent GK coaches (you're only allowed 2. Weird, as you start with 3). If you do want another, there is only 1 option: Franco Tancredi! GK 20, WWY 20. Winner.
If you want a new U18s GK coach, look for the best stats possible, but with the lowest wage. They will ask for less than the rest, and therefore offering them more for being an U18s coach will be more beneficiary. I picked, Juan Jose Lasuen (20/20).

Fitness: All of the Arsenal Fitness coaches are poor. You're allowed 4. So 2 First team, 2 Youth. But the balance you chose is yours.
I chose:

  • Rodolfo Rocha: 18 fitness, 18 youngsters --- U18s
  • Sergio Botelho: 18 fitness, 18 youngsters --- U18s
  • Antonio Pintus: 20 Fitness, 18 Youngsters --- main
  • Bebeto de Oliveira: 19 fitness, 20 youngsters. Sau Paulo, £74.85k comp --- main
The choice is yours.

Physios: Start with 4, Can have 6. I prefer to split this 4:2 as I fear that my first team are more important than the youth, but aim to get similar stats. I sacked all of the physios apart from the head physio. So far...
Because of the Head Physio, it actually means that you have 3 for the first team, 2 for the youth as the Head covers both really.
  • Filé: 19 physiotherapy, 20 fitness, 16 youngsters. -- Main
  • Alan Tomlinson: 18phys 18youth -- main
  • Mogens Kreutzfeldt: 18phys, 16 youth -- main
  • Ricardo Galotti: 17/17. U18s
  • Crystian Pedrosa: 17/17. U18s

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